Extension temporary suspension until April, 13-2020.



Dear Customer / Supplier,


In relation to the new measures introduced with the Ministerial Decree of 01/ April / 2020, which inserts rules

more restrictive in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and which requires the suspension of

non-essential production activities, We communicate to you that “C.F. Torino srl” will continue the

Temporary Suspension of its activity until April, 13-2020 ".

Unless new instructions from the authorities, we will resume our activity on April, 14-2020.


We also inform you that for companies authorized to continue activity because they operate in Essential Sectors,

“C.F. Torino srl” can open its own warehouse (only upon specific customer request) to make deliveries

of materials and avoid the interruption of the customer production.

Obviously this activity will be carried out in compliance with the rules of hygiene and prevention of contagion.

To do this, we have sent a regular communication to the Prefecture of Turin regarding the activities carried out.


Hoping to return to normal soon, We Wish Everyone Courage and Good Health.


Best Regards

  • Extension temporary suspension until April, 13-2020.

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